Secondary aortoduodenal fistula. Repeat aortic prosthetic repair with duodenal resection (case report)


A secondary aortoduodenal fistula is a rare, difficult-to-diagnose and often fatal complication in aortic surgery.

We herein describe a clinical case concerning surgical treatment of a male patient presenting with an aortoduodenal fistula manifesting as relapsing gastrointestinal bleeding 7 years after abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Comparing the findings of a comprehensive examination (endoscopic and roentgenological) with the clinical picture and anamnestic data made it possible to avoid mistakes at the diagnostic stage, as well as to choose an appropriate method of surgical treatment, i. e., performing repeat prosthetic repair of the aorta via a thoracoabdominal approach using a synthetic graft (silver-impregnated) with duodenal resection.

Funding. The study had no financial support.

Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Authors’ contribution. Study conception and design – Ananyev D.P., Kalinin A.A.; data collection and handling – Salnikov P.S., Osminskaya E.D., Kutyrev O.E., Kruchkova O.V., Yadykov O.A.; statistical processing – Kutyrev O.E., Osminskaya E.D.; draft manuscript preparation – Ananyev D.P., Kalinin A.A., Osminskaya E.D.; manuscript revision – Kalinin A.A., Ananyev D.P., Matveev D.A., Kutyrev O.E.

For citation: Ananyev D.P., Kalinin A.A., Matveev D.A., Yadykov O.A., Kutyrev O.E., Kruchkova O.V., Salnikov P.S., Osminskaya E.D. Secondary aortoduodenal fistula. Repeat aortic prosthetic repair with duodenal resection (case report). Angiology and Vascular Surgery. Journal named after Academician A.V. Pokrovsky. 2024; 30 (2): 124–30. DOI:

Keywords: secondary aorto-intestinal fistula; aorto-enteric fistula; aortoduodenal fistula; secondary aortoduodenal fistula; relapsing gastrointestinal bleeding; complications of aortic repair

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Akchurin Renat Suleymanovich
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy General Director for Surgery, Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, National Medical Research Center for Cardiology named after Academician E.I. Chazov, President of the Russian Society of Angiologists and Vascular Surgeons


In accordance with the decision of the Presidium of the Russian Society of Angiologists and Vascular Surgeons, the journal "Angiology and Vascular Surgery" will be named after Academician A.V. Pokrovsky starting from No. 2/2022.

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